Training Materials and Training Workshop on the Design of Fisheries and Aquaculture Strategies for Implementation at National and Regional Levels

Context and Background

African Union intervention in the fisheries and aquaculture sector is guided by the Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for fisheries and aquaculture in Africa (PFRS) which is aimed at improving governance of the sector for increased sustainable contribution to food security, livelihoods and wealth creation. Also within the framework of the African Union Agenda 2063, the Africa Blue Economy Strategy environed an inclusive and sustainable blue economy with fisheries and aquaculture being one of the significant contributors to Africa’s transformation and growth.

The Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa is a multilateral document formulated with an aim of facilitating coherent policy development for the sustainable management of fisheries and aquaculture resources in the member states of the African Union to optimize benefits from their natural resources. Furthermore, it guides on good governance principles considered as best practices in fisheries management and aquaculture development. Strategically the objectives of the PFRS include; (i) elaborating essential guiding principles for the good governance of Africa’s fisheries and aquaculture for increased coherence and coordination of the sector; (ii) assisting the AU Member States, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Regional Fisheries Organizations (RFBs) to develop realistic fisheries and aquaculture policies by suggesting standards and best practices for the sector’s benefits, in terms of food security, employment, and income; (iii) helping facilitate regional collaboration and integration in shared fisheries and aquaculture resources management; (iv) providing appropriate guidance on how to implement reforms for fisheries and aquaculture development; (v) facilitating the adoption of relevant provisions in international fisheries management instruments; (vi) facilitating advocacy for increased investment in the fisheries and aquaculture sector.

Several high-level initiatives on the continent articulated the challenges and opportunities in the sector. Prominent among these initiatives are the 2004 Sirte Summit Declaration, the Abuja NEPAD Fish-for-All Summit declaration of 2005, the 2010 Banjul Conference of African Ministers for Fisheries and Aquaculture (CAMFA I) and the 2014 Addis Ababa CAMFA II. These initiatives underscored the need for sectoral policy and institutional governance reforms that can catalyze increased sustainable contribution to the socio-economic development of the continent. The CAMFA I recommended that the African Union (AU) put in place a mechanism for broad-based participatory policy dialogue and fisheries management to ensure coherence of fisheries policies and initiatives. This recommendation was later adopted through an Executive Decision by the African Heads of State and Government (Doc. EX. CL/627(XVIII). Thus, the process of formulation of the Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa (PFRS) started in earnest in 2012. The PFRS was subsequently endorsed as a blueprint for the sustainable positive reform of Africa’s Fisheries and Aquaculture sector for increased benefits to Member States.

This was followed by development of the guiding principles for the implementation of the PFRS which recommended alignment of regional and national policies and strategies to the PFRS and specifically assist AU member states, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and Regional Fisheries Bodies (RFBs) to develop realistic fisheries and aquaculture policies by suggesting standards and best practices that will realize benefits such as food security, employment and income.

Moreover, much work was to be done to continue to encourage and support AU Member States to ratify and/or implement relevant instruments. Such support and encouragement would be more effective in (i) developing capacities of AU Member States; (ii) establishing a monitoring mechanism to follow the progress of strategy implementation; (iii) facilitating studies to collate opportunities and identify changes with respect to global instruments in order to deepen the awareness created under FishGov1; and (iv) supporting actions to develop and strengthen mechanisms for compliance by AU member states.

The sustainability of Africa’s fisheries and aquaculture sector, unfortunately remains challenged by poor governance, low levels of investment, environmental degradation and climate-change. Environmental degradation and climate-change have been cited as causes for loss of breeding and fishing grounds, reduction of fish landing sites and decreased fish production in the small-scale fisheries and aquaculture sub-sectors. Livelihoods and thus, the socio-economic status of rural fishing communities has progressively become at stake. The contribution of the sector towards African Union Member State’s (AU-MS) national GDP’s, food and nutrition security and rural development is consequently below the anticipated most AU-MS national goals for the sector.

Consistency with the foregoing the Fisheries Governance Project Phase 2 (FishGov2) provided for the exercise to develop comprehensive training materials and conduct a training workshop that focuses on effectively designing and implementing fisheries and aquaculture strategies at both national and regional levels throughout Africa. In this regard AU-IBAR intends to engage a consulting firm with relevant qualifications, expertise and experience in Fisheries and Aquaculture policy, regulation, strategies, implementation plans and guidelines to undertake this technical assistance.

Objectives of the Assignment

The objective of this consultancy assignment is to develop comprehensive training materials and facilitate an interactive training workshop focused on the design and implementation of fisheries and aquaculture strategies at national and regional levels in Africa. This assignment aims to strengthen the capacities of participants by equipping them with practical knowledge and tools to create effective, data-driven strategies that address key challenges in fisheries and aquaculture. The training will enable stakeholders to better manage resources, address challenges and ensure sustainable practices, and promote regional collaboration to enhance food security and economic growth across Africa’s fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

The specific objectives of the assignment are to:

  • Develop targeted training materials: The aim is to develop clear, practical training materials tailored to the African context that cover key aspects of the design and implementation of fisheries and aquaculture strategies and in alignment with the PFRS. These training materials should therefore be aligned with national and regional priorities in Africa, with a focus on sustainability, fisheries resource management, aquaculture development and blue growth.
  • Target group for training: The target group for the training is a set of fisheries sector managers and decision-makers at national and regional levels that are responsible for fisheries management or aquaculture development and who would benefit from training on key aspects of the design and implementation of fisheries and aquaculture strategies in alignment with the PFRS. The objective of the training therefore is to rapidly upskill this set of fisheries and aquaculture managers on the different dimensions of the PFRS and how to design and implement national / regional level strategies for fisheries and aquaculture. By the end of the training, this target group should know what the PFRS is about at a conceptual level and how align their national fisheries and aquaculture strategies with the PFRS. At the practical level, they should be able to implement PFRS concepts in the design and implementation of their national fisheries and aquaculture legal and policy frameworks. For each theme area under the PFRS, they should know the appropriate set of tools to use to give effect to the PFRS. In effect, the consultant is being asked to produce a set of training materials that matches each of the themes of the PFRS framework in a manner that informs the design and implementation of national and regional strategies for fisheries management and aquaculture development.
  • Improving knowledge for strategic design: the aim is to provide diverse groups of fisheries and aquaculture stakeholders with knowledge and capacity-building tools/products to help them design sound, evidence-based fisheries and aquaculture strategies that are adaptable to regional and national contexts, in order to address challenges such as illegal fishing, resource depletion, and climate change.
  • Promoting data-driven decision-making: This involves detailing aspects related to the collection, analysis and exploitation of data to inform strategic decisions in fisheries and aquaculture management, enabling more effective and sustainable practices across different levels of governance.
  • Promote regional collaboration and best practice: by the end of the training, the target group should be able to demonstrate that they: (1) understand the concept of regionalism in African fisheries and aquaculture, as well as the challenges; (2) the current and future role of RECS and RFBs in both national and continental context; (3) tools and practices to ensure that their country can participate in regional arrangements for: (a) marine capture fisheries; (b) inland fisheries; and (c) aquaculture development; (4) Regional approaches and minimum terms and conditions of access for foreign fleets; and (5) regional approaches to MCS and enforcement (registers, etc.).
  • Strengthening the capacity to implement policies: This involves putting in place a roadmap to strengthen the capacity of stakeholders to effectively design and implement policies and strategies, focusing on the practical steps needed to translate strategic plans into measurable and exploitable results, both at national and regional levels.
  • Facilitating interactive and practical learning: This involves contributing to the organisation and facilitation of a practical and engaging workshop that includes case studies, group activities and practical exercises while exploiting the knowledge tools produced in this consultation to ensure that beneficiaries (Member States, RECs, & RFBs), can design and implement effective fisheries and aquaculture strategies at national and regional levels.

Methodology of Conducting the Assignment

During the consultancy, the consulting firm is expected to:

  1. Be thoroughly conversant with, the African Union Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for fisheries and aquaculture in Africa (PFRS), including the Guide for PFRS Implementation.
  2. Review relevant related MS’s, RECs, AU and global instruments for best practices in fisheries and aquaculture policy, regulation, management and development.
  3. Identify regional priorities and instruments including international and African treaties and agreements related to Fisheries and Aquaculture policy and reform strategies.
  4. Identify and consult with national, regional institutions or organizations that play critical roles in fisheries and aquaculture policy, regulation, strategic planning and implementation.
  5. Consult electronically and/or virtually with relevant staff at AUDA-NEPAD, AU-IBAR, relevant AUC Depts., RECs, RSCs, RFMBs and MS.
  6. Develop targeted training materials and knowledge tools focused on the design and implementation of fisheries and aquaculture strategies at both national and regional levels. These resources will emphasize priority themes related to PRFS, CAADP, (including NAIPs, RAIPs), CCA, and other flagship initiatives within the sector.
  7. Contribute to and facilitate a practical, stakeholder engagement workshop featuring case studies, group activities, and hands-on exercises that leverage the knowledge tools developed in this consultancy. This approach aims to equip beneficiaries (Member States, RECs and RFBs), with the skills to design and implement effective fisheries and aquaculture strategies, within the broader blue economy development paradigm, at both national and regional levels.
  8. The selected firm should ensure that they access all the reference materials provided by AUDA-NEPAD and AU-IBAR including on the organizations’ websites.


The consultancy will be expected to submit to the AUDA-NEPAD and AU-IBAR Directors the following:

  1. A draft inception report within 5 calendar days of signing the contract. The inception report should demonstrate a clear understanding of the assignment by the consultant(s). The report should also include a detailed work plan, timelines and deliverables of the assignment.
  2. First draft of the consultancy, training materials on design and implementation of fisheries and aquaculture strategies, knowledge tools for implementation at national and regional levels. (will be circulated electronically for inputs by AUDA-NEPAD, AU-IBAR, relevant AUC Departments, RECs, RFMBs and Fisheries and Aquaculture responsible departments of member states).
  3. Lead and facilitate an interactive, hands-on workshop incorporating case studies, group activities, and practical exercises that utilize the knowledge tools developed through this consultancy. This workshop is designed to equip beneficiaries—including Member States, RMOs, and RECs—with the skills needed to design and implement effective fisheries and aquaculture strategies at both national and regional levels. Comments and suggestions made during the workshop be incorporated to produce final validated documents.
  4. The final draft of signing the contract, on the training materials and knowledge tools that have incorporated all comments and suggestions made by the above institutions and by the beneficiaries.
  5. A comprehensive report on the consultancy with lessons and best practices.

Time Frame for Conducting the Assignment

The duration of this assignment is three calendar months which should be organized as follows:

Preparation of inception report Week 1

Draft report including development of training materials Week 6

Stakeholder engagement Week 9 or Week 10

Final report Week 11/12

The final comprehensive report and invoice should be submitted to AU-IBAR no later than 90 days from the date of signature of the contract unless otherwise agreed between the parties.

Supervision and Approval of Deliverables

The consultancy firm will work under the technical supervision of the AU-NEPAD Senior Programme Officer -Fisheries and Aquaculture and AU-IBAR technical experts with overall supervision by the AU-IBAR and AUDA-NEPAD Directors.


The consultant’s team will use their own laptops and other equipment deemed necessary for effective execution of the assignment. Introductory letters to the AU member states will be issued by AU-IBAR and/or AUDA-NEPAD.

Location & Remuneration

The consultancy will be undertaken from the Consultant’s home base with necessary travel as approved by AU-IBAR. The maximum fees payable for this service shall not exceed US$ 15,000. Costs related to travel, including air fare and daily subsistence allowance, will be covered separately by AU-IBAR or AUDA/NEPAD in accordance with the AUC travel policy.

The Consultant firm will be responsible for medical, life and travel insurance for its employees, agents or subcontractors.



Firm consulting experts (consultants) selected for the assignment should possess advanced degrees in fisheries and aquaculture; aquatic natural resource management; aquatic sciences; relevant qualifications in legal and public policy studies; PhD degrees in relevant discipline would be an added advantage.

General Experience

The successful consultant or teams are expected to have the following experiences:

  1. At least 20 years’ experience or familiarization in Fisheries and Aquaculture policy and regulation, management and development;
  2. Evidence of formulation of relevant policies, strategies, guidelines and frameworks to support sustainable blue Fisheries and Aquaculture governance and development in Africa;
  3. Evidence of capacity building of stakeholders (member states, non-state Actors, regional institutions, (RECs, RFBs), partners), on Fisheries and Aquaculture policy and regulatory frameworks;
  4. Good record of working with continental institutions, RECs, RFBs and specialized regional institutions dedicated to Africa’s blue economy, fisheries and aquaculture sectors;
  5. Evidence of facilitating workshops at regional and continental levels on related fisheries and aquaculture sector and blue economy development in Africa.

Specific Experience

  1. Evidence of formulation of Fisheries and Aquaculture Policies, regulations, strategies and guidelines for national and regional institutions (inter-governmental) in Africa;
  2. Evidence of formulation of implementation plans and monitoring frameworks for structured rolling out in the Fisheries and Aquaculture sector at regional and continental levels in Africa and/or other relevant regions;
  3. Evidence of designing mechanisms for coordination of fisheries and aquaculture policy, institutional and regulatory frameworks to ensure sustainable sector management and development in Africa;
  4. Familiarity with other relevant AU and global instruments or initiatives that support Fisheries and Aquaculture development in Africa; and
  5. Evidence of familiarization with AU priorities.

Other Essential Attributes

  1. Record of good writing skills and scientific publications in relevant fields or disciplines in Fisheries and Aquaculture; and
  2. Record of delivery assignment within tight schedules.

Selection Criteria

Criteria Max Points

Technical Proposal (approach, methodology, etc.) 15

Team’s Qualifications 20

General Experience 20

Specific Experience 35

Other Skills and Attributes 10

Total 100

Gender Mainstreaming

The AU Commission is an equal opportunity employer and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.

Note: Applications are open to Consultancy Firms, Consortiums or a Team of Experts.

Applications from individual experts will not be admissible.

How to apply

Application Procedures

Interested applicants are required to submit the following documents:

  1. Technical Proposal with a brief (3-5 page max) description of the approach and proposed methodology; detailed curriculum vitae of proposed team; summary of similar assignments carried out; registration documents of the firm or in the case of a consortium of experts, copies of the identification documents
  2. Financial Proposal
  3. Completed declaration on exclusion criteria in the format attached
  4. Signed copies of statements of availability from the proposed experts in the format attached

Application Deadline

All applications should be received by 16th January 2025, midnight Nairobi local time.

The address for submission of applications is: .


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