Event Management Consultant
Application deadline: 18 December 2024
Engagement period: December-March 2025
- Who we are
Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. We are working across regions in about 89 countries, with thousands of partners, and allies, supporting communities to build better lives for themselves, grow resilience and protect lives and livelihoods also in times of crisis.
- Background
Since 2003, the Comprehensive Agricultural Advancement Development Program framework has been the guiding framework for the continent’s vision in agriculture. It aims to ensure an agricultural growth rate above 6% in the agricultural sector to advance food security. In 2014, African Heads of State, renewed the continent’s commitment to CAADP at the Twenty Third Ordinary Session of the African Union Assembly, held in Malabo, and outlined 7 set of targets and goals to advance the program through the Malabo Declaration.
Currently, the Africa Union has launched the post-Malabo process towards delivering the third iteration of the CAADP which commences from 2025, under the forthcoming Kampala Declaration. Part of this process will be the development of a results framework. Oxfam in Africa is undertaking a gendered analysis of the existing (2015-2025) CAADP framework and will subsequently produce a brief that will provide key recommendations towards enhancing gender performance in the Kampala Declaration.
- Consultancy Objectives
Oxfam in Africa aims to influence the selection and inclusion of the gender-responsive indicators of the new results framework within in the period spanning December – March 2024. There will be two policy windows for engagement with the AU CAADP within this period where Oxfam will hold events: at the launch of the Kampala Declaration (January 2025) and the launch of the brief (March 2025).
The consultant will be responsible for the overall event management workplan of the two events; working 15 days for the Kampala Declaration, and 25 days for the launch of the brief. The main objectives of the consultancy will be to ensure all the logistical preparations necessary for successful delivery of the events, including but not limited to leading on communication with the participants, sending out invitations, development of the program etc. These TORs are the basis to contract an ‘event management consultant’ who will deliver these events in collaboration with Oxfam in Africa.
- Key deliverables
The consultant selected will work in direct collaboration and coordination with the Oxfam in Africa Just Economies Advisor and other members of the coordination team.
The specific deliverables expected from this contract are:
- Support the preparation of a participants list, particularly leveraging on existing knowledge and regional networks relevant to the subject matter
- Sending out invitations
- Support the preparation of a program based on discussions with Oxfam in Africa
- Develop the overall session presentations for both event based on the finalised program and discussion with the Oxfam in Africa team
- Management of participants, as advised by Oxfam in Africa including ensuring that all the participants are well informed about requirements, procedures, the programme and security
- Management of the venue and onsite vendors as advised by Oxfam in Africa
After the applicant’s selection, the above will be further detailed between the consultant and the Oxfam in Africa team through a work plan.
- Ideal candidate specifications and track record
- Proven experience in organization of inclusive, accessible and participatory events for mixed groups from a variety of countries is essential.
- Demonstrated knowledge of the subject matter of CAADP as well as experience working with civil society groups is essential.
- Curiosity, solutions orientation, out-of-the-box thinking are extremely desirable.
- Invitation to tender
To tender, submit a proposal that contains:
- Name and CV/s
- Summary of experience in similar assignments
A budget breakdown for both professional fees and reimbursable expenses, including daily fee rates for each consultant proposed
How to apply
Your proposal, which should not exceed five pages in length and should be sent by email to [email protected] under the subject line Event Management Consultant no later than 18th December 2024
Questions or comments in respect to these terms of reference should be first directed to [email protected]
Adherence to Oxfam principles and policies
Once hired, the consultant shall operate under the principles governing Oxfam ways of working including adherence to policies and procedures of Oxfam with regards to such key issues as nonpartisan, neutrality, gender sensitivity, impartiality, and accountability, mainstreaming of Gender and HIV/AIDS as well as other policies governing Oxfam operations on transport usage, security guidelines and confidentiality of information collected.
Reporting Lines
The service provider will report directly to the Just Economies Advisor, Oxfam in Africa.